Hello! Welcome to Feedback Quest 7! My name's Hythrain and I'm one of the hosts and one of the streamers for this event! This feedback is being written live as I stream your game! If you're interested in seeing my live reaction, let me know and I can send you a link to the VOD once it's posted to YouTube!
So my normal approach for any game in these events is simple: I get the game, make sure it's not a virus, then play it with as little information on how to play as possible. This way, I can judge how intuitively someone can figure out the game. Only if it's obvious that I need to read more will I do so. I note this so you can get a sense where some of these feedback comes from. In addition, I want to note that feedback and rating are different; don't use this feedback to gauge what I'll rate, nor should you view my rating as entirely indicative of my feedback.
So, where to begin... I suppose I should start with the fact that I don't use controllers on PC. I do this on purpose because not everybody has a controller for their computer, but they DO have a keyboard and mouse. Because of this, my only options for moving were left, right and jump. I couldn't move the camera, I couldn't interact with anything. All I could do was walk around in a small room and occasionally jump.
Beyond that, all I can comment on is the song. And I'm not doing that. No way in hell am I commenting on the song.
I would highly recommend getting mouse and keyboard controls in there. If you happen to add them and update the file before FQ7 ends, I'll be glad to return to this game and replay it.