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This is cool, one of the reasons I get so psyched when I see an update from you is that getting the methodology behind how Methods gets made is fascinating to me, from a gamedev perspective, and just 'cause it's neat.  On that note, it was really interesting seeing the spread of players fave' mysteries.

I nearly missed out on it because real life, but, it's crazy to see how much a certain mystery'll have it's followers. 

On thate note, it's cool seeing some of the original designs for the cast; I like the old cover a lot (feels like a superflat album cover), but I feel like you really ended up pushing your designs for what we've got so far. And I mean the most important details, like Detective Asper and his powerful floral print, have remained intact, so all's well!

(And 772 keeping the same energy throughout feels kinda right, if you ask me!)

I've got a little to take care of, but I'll proooobably update this with some thoughts later. And on that note, good to see you back in action so quickly; I would've taken longer off, aha, but my method is - sleeps in, doesn't solve the mystery, doesn't pass go, process repeats. Bahahaha!


Thanks! I've always liked behind the scenes myself. I'm planning to go deeper with behind the scenes content sometime soon!

If I took a longer break, I'm afraid I would completely stop, so it's better to keep on trucking, as they say.