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hiya bubbleheart's dad. your daughter has been causing major issues for us moderators. as someone who was exposed to 13+ sites before I was 13, it can cause some serious harm. I would recommend that you no longer allow her access to said sites. She also likes to insult and fight the moderators, especially me. I treated her with as much respect as I could until she called me a word which could mean something really disgusting. You need to teach her that blocking + just not engaging is much better than blocking + making several long posts calling the person out, also that it isn't okay to try and stay in spaces that could be deeply harmful to her. What if the chatroom wasn't as well-moderated as it was? What if it accidentally exposed her to content that isn't appropriate? Also, for the record, she never 'made it clear' that those words made her uncomfortable. I call basically everyone those words, and I love to use the '<3'. She accused me of 'bullying' when I, as a victim of severe bullying myself, would never, EVER put anyone else through that.
- Sir Mordred 'Ravenborne' Le Fay, High and Mighty Saviour of Mankind

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Hi, first of all, I've been told that you are barely older than her, and she said that you treat her like a toddler? I don't know too much about what's going on though. I understand that you two are arguing over something. Seems I forgot to mention this before, but I decided to educate her the way I wanted to. I watched, because this chat has been very wholesome and cool (Specifically Kit to Leader) that I will allow her. It is my job as a parent, what do you know about parenting? You're 14.  I will choose what I want my daughter to do or not do. Relay this to your Queen, Nala.

Thanks for nothing, Her dad


For one, Nala uses they/he pronouns, so not 'Queen'. And  I don't treat Bubble like a toddler. I treat her like an 11 year old. And there was no need for you to be so rude to me. A minor. Unless this isn't actually Bubble's father. And we're not arguing over anything. She decided to call me a bully for telling her not to break TOS.

thanks for insulting a literal child, Mordred.

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Nala is one of those huh? Disgusting. I'm not going to talk to someone who knows this. You win, I'm getting her off of here, clearly there are Lbqtg people here.

(1 edit) (+3)

..I'm 'one of those'. Most people here. are 'one of those'

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ok I'm back without him noticing just because I wanted to say one thing.

Sorry about him he's extremely homophobic :(

I am not :3 lol I knew was not telling him for the life of me.

Okay, leaving forever -Bubble


good riddance, she wont be missed

wow that was SOME wild argument well said mordred some people ya just gotta ignore like bubble ;)


Oh, you're one of those? You're the disgusting one here. You'll come in contact with them anywhere. Good riddance.


Lmao. Fuck you.

Oh Lord! I understand this kind of situation (Mostly) I saw most of the convo. Im sorry that had happened. The hate from Bubbles father. Im sorry if Im not meant to reply on this if it makes no sense! Im just sort of new here. (I made sure to read TOS. My internet while trying to type this is oh Lord) Anywayy sorry if I'm not meant to post this here. Bye Mordred!



Hello, Liz here.

Are you sure you're her father? Your first message was quite responsible and written like an adult. Although your second message seems to be quite immature. For her safety, and others I suggest you keep her off 13+ sites until she is 13. She can stay on Scratch since that is a children's site mainly used by--you guessed it, children--.


If you really are her dad, you are honestly a horrible father if you allow a young kid on websites they're too old for