Hey! Cool to see another love2d user. If you have any specific questions, I’d be happy to try to answer. Outside of that, I can paste my web build script below and you can ask me questions on it if you like, I don’t have any specific tips though.
Here’s the script: let me know if it’s helpful or not. You can tweak it as you see fit, hopefully the comments help: (It’s not the full script, I had to remove some stuff that doesn’t make sense to share, like I copy a bunch of custom JavaScript files into the final directory for stuff I didn’t use this game, so I removed that from the script.
Rem this line makes it so each line of code doesn't echo into the command window
@echo off
Rem This is the folder that contains all different build versions
Rem The builds folder is defined as "Builds". If it doesn't exist, this will create it.
set buildFolder=Builds
Rem This is the actual folder that you'd zip and distribute
echo Enter the name of this build :
set /p buildName=
echo %buildFolder%
echo %buildName%
if not exist %buildFolder% (
echo adding build folder %buildFolder%
mkdir %buildFolder%
if exist %buildFolder%\%buildName% (
echo old build folder already exists
echo removing old folder
rmdir /s /q %buildFolder%\%buildName%
mkdir %buildFolder%\%buildName%
echo zipping up all files into %buildName%.zip
"C:\Program Files\7-Zip\7z.exe" a %buildFolder%/%buildName%/%buildName%.zip "Engine" "Fonts" "Music" "Sounds" "src" "Textures" "ThirdParty" "conf.lua" "main.lua"
echo renaming zip file to love file
rename %buildFolder%\%buildName%\%buildName%.zip %buildName%.love
@REM https://love2d.org/forums/viewtopic.php?f=12&t=81736&start=160
@REM Need to pick a much bigger size for the game than what is reported by the zip file size
@REM for example, if the file size was 55426989 bytes, you should pick something like 70000000
@REM Otherwise you get a cryptic 'out of bounds' console error in JS
Rem compute the file size first
for %%I in ("%buildFolder%/%buildName%/%buildName%.love") do set numBytes=%%~zI
echo zip file size is %numBytes%
echo Using a value of 70000000 (7 with 7 zeros) for the bytes required to preload game on the web.
echo If you get cryptic failures, try changing this value in webbuild.bat to be much higher than the zip file size.
@REM If you get cryptic errors and it gets stuck at 1/2 when loading the game, try picking a much bigger value.
set numBytes=70000000
echo building with love.js
call npx love.js.cmd -c -m %numBytes% %buildFolder%/%buildName%/%buildName%.love %buildFolder%/%buildName%/%buildName%
echo removing stale love file
del /q %buildFolder%\%buildName%\%buildName%.love
echo creating a zip file for itch.io right under the build folder
cd %buildFolder%
cd %buildName%
"C:\Program Files\7-Zip\7z.exe" a %buildName%.zip "%buildName%\*"
cd ..
cd ..
echo finished build