You repeating debunked points isn't going to change anything usually people look into a project before supporting them and will have email notifications on their phone or just check in general, if someone is on patreon then the they would be quite stupid not to be in the discord too meaning they would have notifications on for that also. Saying patreon is to support projects is a brain dead take it's for supporting a person to help them not just go on every week and hope an update is out. Don't get how your calling the Devs a scumbag when they dont have enough funds to continue to work on an AVN that they own and chose to make by themselves you really need to take a long hard thought the devs use patreon to help with money not to farm it from other people it's an optional thing in the first place so it's not like the people still supporting them care that the project has been stopped, and what kind of a question is "are you him on an alt account or something?" Makes it feel like you don't care about the people who are supporting them and just hate the dev for cancelling the game.