I saw you were looking for feedback, and I like this kind of game, so I thought I'd give it a go! I wrote down my thoughts as I was playing.
- Would like a way to adjust music/sfx volume
- Save function would be helpful
- Gradient bands in the skymap graphic
- Grass sprites turn to follow player, distracting
- Jump feels very short
- Can fall from high places but no falling damage
- Some noises were kind of shrill and annoying - smith in town, fairy giggles
- I was able to use the jump function to climb the hills surrounding the world and see off the edge of the map
- Some trees and objects not sunk into the ground
- Water reflections sometimes flicker (but look really nice otherwise)
- Also, scenery culls when not in view - but it's culling in the water too, making the reflections of hills and such disappear if you look down into the water.
- Animals inside of castle all animating at the same time, need to vary start times. Especially noticable with sheep.
- Guy constantly walking against merchant cart in the castle
- There was a key in an outhouse I couldn't pick up (or possibly it was for a quest I never found)
- If you walk up to someone who's always looking at you (like the hunter with the injured dog), they'll continue rotating to follow you even if you walk over top of them (they look like they're laying down looking up at you).
- Hunter, dog, and tent tent only appears if you're very close. I heard him whistle but couldn't see him at all until I was way closer. The fire was there but just floating.
- Good animations on all character models I saw.
- Kissing the frog was cute.
- Minimap was very helpful!
- Field of view change when running was nice.
- Lots of incidental details - footsteps, animal noises, birds and butterflies, rabbit, deer that ran away, etc.
- Liked the dog, cat, rat chase!
- The mouse? hamster? guarding the bridge was unexpected and fun
- The wandering characters added quite a bit of life to the scene
- There's almost always something to find even going to obscure corners of the map, either a chest or a tent or something! Good map design, I don't felt lost or disoriented and there's always something interesting to look at.
Overall thoughts
I'd say it's about a 6.5/10 right now. I really hope this doesn't come off as too negative - I've done some work in Unity and know how much work and effort go into a game like this! At the moment, it kind of feels like a tech demo. I never knew why I was collecting gems (or later, bottles!), and completing a quest (say, collecting arrows for the hunter) didn't really have a satisfying outcome. Everything was a fetch quest, so it'd be nice to see some variation in the quest types. I will also say that I understand why you'd need to use a variety of assets in an endeavor like this, but in places, it was very noticeable that they were from different sources. The animals were realistic but the humans were cartoonish, things like that.Hopefully some of this ramble helps. :)