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This is  a great game but I had many illnesses that people don't even see. It happend after a hard time in my life and it gave me a tidal wave of  illness. ADHD for girls usually starts to hit around the age 16 but no my body just handed ADHD and many other illnesses to my list at 7. And my mom always called me stupid and sweated at me and my sister all it did was make me broken and torn she even told me straightforward that she chose favorites and I wasn't one she even said she hated me. I once told her I was suicidal and she forgot. I wish I was brave enough to ask my mom to give me a therapist but I was to scared that I would be on so  many drugs that I wouldn't even be myself again. And yet I actually still counted as gifted. Does anyone else have a story like this pls tell me.

I do! I have it right above your comment
surprising how much hate you can get for something you can't control 

Same here I actually most of the time lie to doctors and nobody notices because I'm gifted, smart and a very joyful person around people. But when I'm alone I just have way too much time to think.