The difficulty is definitely strong, but I personally don't mind it. If only because it's completely consequence-free to fall in battle. Still, even with the difficulty, I'm having a blast with the demo in single player. Sometimes, I get knocked down a few times in the normal-difficulty dungeons going solo, but I'm okay with it personally. That being said, I know I'm not exactly a good defacto for the general consensus. If tuning the difficulty is something you think is a good suggestion, don't sweat it. Take your time and review what feels right for the game you're making. The amount of content you've been putting together in recent weeks has been nothing short of extraordinary.
My only struggle has been getting used to the controls. This game's definitely meant to be high-speed, very kinetic. But the control scheme feels more tuned for a traditional MMO, where you can stand still and not really need to worry about running around, constantly evading or real-time guarding against attacks. While gamepads are supported, the hotbar system in place makes no attempt to really play friendly at all with the layout of most controllers. If there's any features I feel this game needs re-evaluated, it might be the controls.