tl;dr: don't try a "true pacifist" route.
So, I have a small problem.
Since you can move forward on the dungeon if you lose and surrender to the enemy who defeated you, I tried a true slut route, where i would not kill any opponent whatsoever, just lose, surrender and keep moving forward every single time (you can do this cuz if you have no weapon equipped, your attacks deal 0 damage, so, you can lose to the very first slime, dealing no damage to it).
Problem is: you simply cannot do this. If you lose, you gain no XP and you reach the Slime King still at level 1. If you lose to him and "give in", the game just restarts from the last save... You have to defeat him and, being level 1... it's kinda impossible to.
I'd love it if there was another kind of possible win against the bosses, where you need to increase your slut bar throughout the dungeon or something, lose to the boss and then they fuck you to exhaustion and you get the gem but, sadly, that's not a thing.
Edit: just spelling and pulled the tl;dr to the top.