Congrats on a successful jam entry ! Even though it's small, it's also charming, and feels complete for a first solo project (there's a menu, a story and everything, I can't say that about my first lol).
I hope you had a good time in the jam !
To make more complete criticism, and obviously I don't want to sound harsh or anything :
- The base idea is interesting and could be expanded upon with a cool mechanic forcing you to retreat to the shadows and pick the right time to turn the lights off (maybe with enemies) ? But I think it also works as is, except for the respawning crumbs (they do take away at the main idea because you can just stay at the same place and spam on / off).
- I think the main thing you should focus on now is gamefeel and graphics. For example, because the character has no acceleration, it feels bland to move around. Similarly, nothing really happens when you collect crumbs, it would've been fun if there was a bit of freeze and screenshake for example (note : I only make action games so I might be biased towards screenshake), which could be easy to implement. Overall, I'd suggest looking into gamefeel theory and how to make simple things feel better.
Thank you for playing my game and for such a detailed comment. Honestly, I planned to make an autosave when going through the portal, just to avoid the moment with the restoration of crumbs and other items later, but due to some circumstances, I did not have time to do this. I am already working on making the game better. Once again, thank you very much for your feedback