I love this update! Things I would like seen added or changed:
- Loans, this game has became a bit harder than versions prior, so if maybe you could take out a loan (up to a million for example), then if you are not able to pay it back in like 6 months, you’ll lose like double the amount you took out.
- If you go bankrupt, you can go back maybe a week before you got bankrupt if the hardness of the game stays
- Extra superspeeding the game up while you’re not making games or researching
- Longer time that ads stay up
- I’m not exactly sure what you can do, but if you can fix the bug where on safari you can’t play the game
- Maybe you can negotiate with a publisher to be able to take a game off sale if you’re not making any money from it but the publisher is still keeping it up
- And finally, if your game is put up by a publisher, then you could maybe negotiate changing prices or royalties