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Thanks really appreciate the praise!
Yeh the tracking itself is actually quite good: I disabled the 2d visualization last minute as it was just too many hands on the screen :) Main challenge was in translating the 2d points of fingers into a rigged 3d hand bone positions. But outside of a jam time-constraint should be doable to make this feel way better.
Planning on doing some bugfixes and improvements post jam, as well as add another level.

Another potential thing as well: Before watching the video it was instinct for me to try to Swipe to move on. Kinda like a eBook. Do you think there is a way to incorporate that to the tracking?


I actually had point finger left and right gesture recognition, as well as just have a hand at the edge of the screen left or right to move, but caused unexpected movement to people so removed it last minute. But swiping is a good idea. Doable :)