Thanks for the feedback!
For context: I tried to "innovate" somewhat, by incorporate a button schema which would enable a-lot of actions. In retrospect, I agree that it's confusing and overly complicated.
I have some new ideas on aiming that will be more simple and more conventional:
- I plan to skip the current L behavior (aim in moving direction) aiming for a typical lock-on when pressing L. Locking on "nothing" just "locks-in" the current direction the character is facing, and the dpad will let you move freely while the aim is locked in that direction.
- If you use a ranged item (equipped to A or B) while locked-on, you can move freely while aiming.
- If you want to aim freely, you will have to use an equipped ranged item first, while not pressing L (no locked-on target).
- If you press lock-on while the cursor hovers on a target, you will move to state 1.1. and lock-on that target, and the dpad lets you move freely.
- If you press lock-on while no target is hovered, you will go to state 1 where the aim locks in the direction of the cursor you had while free-aiming, and the dpad will control the character.
- R still performs a roll.
Will probably have to iterate further but i think this is an improvement on your feedback.
Also, more animations will come! I have not yet settled on the character sprite so for now, I have paused working on animations until I have actual gameplay.