I was very pleasantly surprised by the depth of the mechanics of this game - the squishing to fit into places / jump higher or fall slower were very clever! Also impressed by the number of levels you were able to pack into this game in only 96 hours! Unfortunately I suck at platformers so I had to throw in the towel on the level after obtaining the orb, but what I did play was very neat.
Also, I'm always surprised and delighted to find games that don't use Unity or Godot! I didn't know there was a Node game engine, that's really neat!
Edit to add: I forgot to say, this might just be because I'm really bad at platformers, but I found myself wishing the game was less sensitive to my inputs sometimes - mainly when navigating around the sawblades, haha. I also found the game really, really quiet - I had to really crank the volume to hear anything.