Man, this got my RPG level-up juices flowing! Very cool, especially for a first entry, everything needed is there, including a twist ending. Very good start, definitely something you can be proud of! Since you want to keep working on this, i hope you don't mind me being a bit expansive on the feedback ;)
Hack: When you hit enemies before they're active, they regen almost instantly, but once you have enough attack to one-shot them that doesn't matter. Also, since they're always placed at the same spots and reach increases (at least to a degree) with attack-power, i ended up killing them off before they even show on the screen. Maybe place them randomly and make it so they become active before appearing on the screen? Or even put in one-time spawn-points that spawn one enemy outside the screen when the player is close enough?
Gameplay: Since there seems to be no real difference between the ice sword and the fire-sword, i ended up only levelling up the firesword and only using that one (even if slow and burn were implemented, i don't think that would change, even more so since the price does not increase with the level). Maybe put in some obstacles/enemies that make you use one or the other sword? And/or make the boss 'switch' so you can damage either with only the fire-sword or only the ice-sword, ikaruga-style?
Also, cooldown seems to not change with level, would be nice if it did (it is kinda long and jarring, which is okay if you can decrease it, but since you can't i ended up taking on one enemy at a time, and i didn't go near the wolves until i could two-shot them)
Convenience: Being able to give more than one scale at a time to the dragon.
Anyway, i really enjoyed this, keep up the good work!