Look who arrived! It's Aquarius's boyfriend, Shadow. He is a fish whisperer, apparently, he is teaching Aquarius how to tame fish. He is really kind toward Aquarius and Mellow. He loves to read about human life and also likes to eat squid and oysters (yuck!).he cooks them, of course. In the sea, they burn seaweed to make a fire to cook their food. He is just as kooky as Mellow. They get along really well, actually. They like the same things! They like to play fetch with Aquarius. Yes, actually he pretends to be a seahorse and Aquarius LOVES to play along! I think Aquarius + Shadow is a thing for life! Give this comment a like and type #couplegoals : that's it for Shadow! I may be soon be making her mom and dad! Stay tuned! Buh-bye! :D