I can see a bit of potential in this game, but right now I’m not a fan of the little cooldown you have between each jump, I feel it could be a bit smoother if that gets lowered a bit.
The time between having a good jump with the green circle and overshoot it and get a bad jump, feels tight, after some minutes you can get more great jumps, but I feel it’s too punishing of being “late” for that little of time, maybe a bit of more tolerance would be good or maybe the closer to the green circle, greater the jump is and not too much just good and bad jumps.
One thing I noticed is when you go to the main menu and start again the game, the player can’t move until the pause menu is pressed again.
I like the visuals and the little text that tells you that you did a good jump, the movement in the ground feels good or it actually fits the character you are using, so that is a plus.
Also I like the interpretation of the theme, a show that is popular and it’s about scaling the obstacles to reach the end, but I won’t be able to reach the finish because probably skill issues haha.
I want to play more because I like this kind of hard game but right now, for me, I don’t feel it’s in a place where I want to try a lot and get good at it. Also, this gimmick of using the mouse to control the direction of the jump could be a bit better if it’s added a bit of slowmo to lessen the difficulty of aim while tracking the height of the jump or add a visual trajectory to see more clear where I'm aiming to.
But I liked parts of what I saw in this game, I see in the description you will keep polishing the game, good luck with future updates! :D