Glad to hear that. HERE is the spreadsheet. You can comment. Also, I have seen on some websites around the itch that developers established local forums. Maybe it would work for this place too?
I can go through thusfar suggested material and maybe put it into a more cohesive piece, unless there is no actual need to?
Regarding the directional armor bonus for the Space Marines, I was thinking if there could be problems in determining when does the received damage reduction apply? In close encounter with the Tyranid, it is easier to determine, because Tyranid can only attack from adjacent tile, which means, it is clear whether the Marine faces the opponent onwards or not. In case though some opponents wielding ranged weaponry were to be introduced eventually, the case gets more complicated. Even if mechanically it is solvable, it still ought to be simple enough and clear to the player, when one can count the bonus in for granted.
Eventually, we may back down to a standpoint that the armour bonus works only against attacks launched from adjacent tile.
In the Linux version of the game '0.0.12', I cannot seem to be able to exit the mission, albeit I can exit the game from the menu.
Minding that the amount of tiles the Marines can move may differ from the original Space Hulk, the maps ought to be proportionally increased in size or made more complicated.
For the units, the artwork is okay... y'know, it is there. But I would opt, for now, to replace the actual unit models with mere symbols on visually styled square tiles with proper unit symbol put on them. The direction the unit faces, could be emphasized with a marking on one edge of the tile, speaking of Marines - or on all edges of the tile, speaking of Tyranid infantry.
Try to maybe find a way on how to inform the player of enemy movement without having the screen go all wild.
There is apparently a bug, which allows the unit to move with only 1 AP - while the movement costs 2 AP.
'Multi-target' means that up to three targets in the range of fire can be affected in one attack.
For the range, we ought to assume some simple solution. For example, short range is up to three tiles ahead of the unit, middle range is six tiles far and long range is nine tiles in distance. That is for the current size of the maps. Eventually we can upgrade, for example to 4/8/12 or 4/7/10, eventually assume some more irregular ratios, depends.
Movement backwards for the Marine ought to cost 3 AP per tile, also for the Raptors. This would affect the description of special rules for the Raptors, to such, for example:
movement onwards costs 1 AP per tile (unit rotation and backwards movement costs without change).
It is also important to point out that the special ability of Medics, is now cumulative, which means, a unit supported by the Medic, gets +2 HP for each Medic on adjacent tile. Effectively, up to +8 HP can be held this way, if tactically sensible.
My opinion on the Tyranid, the way it is done currently in the WH40K universe, is that it is royally screwed up and we should only very loosely base on it for the inspiration.
I am actually thinking, what if to upgrade the special ability of a Medic, in a way that the unit Medic faces onwards, gets +3 HP bonus, instead of the regular +2 HP.