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(1 edit)

Hello. Me again, with another question. 😌

First off, I'll be porting this very soon. I fell way behind during summer and was unable to get to it just yet. 

While searching your other releases and one of your own devs free games on itch, I came across a cool and super fun game called Outlawn, created by one of your very own devs by the name of Programancer. I tried reaching out to Programancer via the Outlawn thread, with my question, but as it's a pretty old thread, I'm uncertain if my inquiry will be seen in that thread. While I received kind attention here prior, I thought perhaps I'd reach out here once more.

If Programancer see's this, may we at PortMaster, include the of "Outlawn", in a ready to run port format, please?

  Any and all thought put in to my request is truly cherished! Thank you!

Ps..pic pays no true justice. Looks much prettier in person.