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(2 edits)

Hi, i played the game and this is my review of it. Let's start of by saying that the game design is so bad, that i almost didn't play the game. Why not rotate with the mouse and shoot with the mouse too, Instead of there awkward controls? The game doesn't offer anything gameplay-wise. The art is also thrown together without much thought. There really isn't anything more to talk about because of how limited the game is. But nice try anyways, i like the idea! Kudos!

Edit: A main menu with control settings and a tutorial would have been nice too.


Hi. The controls mimic the layout of the original Asteroids game. Arrow keys can be used as well, but a controller is the most recommended option. There is a goal to the game if you stick with it, but yes it is more of a concept than anything. Thanks for playing.

Thanks for being such a good sport :)