The game is lacking feedback and communication. Please don't require people to read documentation to play your game. It's an immediate bad impression that can be easily avoided. Well designed games teach you how to have fun playing them.
I have no clue what my goal is. I don't know if it's good to be smaller or bigger. I see numbers when moussing over sections of the fractal but I have no idea how to use that information? My resources are bouncing all over the place and I have no idea why other than that it has something to do with where I'm standing and my size. As a consequence, I don't really understand how to gain resources and actually interact with the trade system. Enemies often get caught in small corners where the player can't shoot them since the player's shots are bound to 4 directions. Enemies are overly hard. There's a lot of visual noise on screen and it can be hard to figure out what exactly is being interacted with and why; I get that's kind of the nature of a fractal but it's true nonetheless. The T)rade/F)ight text did not read as key bindings to me, it just looks like you made a typo. Shooting on all sides does not share a cd so the best strategy is to just spam all 4 keys at all times, removing any kind of thought in your aim.
It feels to me that this is trying to be a mix between a territory control game and a twin stick shooter. Typically in twin stick shooters, the WASD keys are used for movement and arrow keys are used for shooting. Remember your affordances, people who are used to this kind of game can have an easier time interacting with your game if you stick to genre conventions.
It's stylish. It just really struggles to communicate itself. I hope you can use this info and make your future games even better.
Got pretty small in my last life by just spamming the shrink button and got 5/6 enemies to spawn at the same time and crashed the game. Several instances of the fractal layers being highlighted over UI elements. If you get small enough inside of a single color, eventually the flashing effect for hovering over that color will completely cover everything on screen except for the player/enemies and make combat impossible.