This is really cool game the animation look AMAZING!!! All the art is looking so good amazing job. i had few problems like I didnt understand at first how to play the expnation in the touturial was too long for me, i wish the game would teach me as i play the game but this is a game jam so i get it but for next game i think it can be better. and i have same problems with the UI elements (i have really width screen), they didn't fit well on my screen...
I think u can fix it if u would change the "Canvas Scaler" to "Scale with Screen Fit" and then u will write the resulotion you test the game with and then make sure the match slidder will be all the way to the Height couse in comupter games u want the game will fit to the Height and not the Width couse the Widht in must cases are the game.
Sorry for the long replay... but you have really good game
Viewing post in Burger Kingdom jam comments
Thank you for this feedback, I totally agree about the tutorial.
We were full focus on the core mechanics and put aside, something simple but yet really important, to make people understand the game easily and fast, we will totally give it more importance in the next jams !
On the UI, we used constant pixel sized, I will try to use scale with screen size, and see what happens !
Thanks again, I wish you the best