Thank you so much for the kind words and even more for the constructive criticism! It is essential to share ideas and feedback to improve.
I will try to answer your points one by one:
- I totally agree with you, it is a feature that I asked to my coding team, but really didn't have enough time. I can't really understand how managed to do all this actually ahahahah but we will definitely consider updating and rifining this, and this feature is the highest on the priority list
- I also agree with this, but I am a perfectionist myself, and I think that making things harder makes it more rewarding, you feel more the accomplishment when you finally unlock or beat a level. But since I agree with you on the Jam thing we left in one of our debugging tools: press O to get 3 stars on levels (you have to press it a lot and switch pages to see it in action
- The spikes are more of a designing tool for me, it allows me to block certain routes to avoid unintended solutions, putting no blocks there could mean that the player can pass into that cell, while putting a white or purple one means that the player can stop there potentially making other routes possible where they shouldn't, the red one is the only block that allows me to block that cell in all the directions for good. For the player its existence is actually beneficial, as it limits its options, so, less choices to make to get to the solution, also it is quite needed for the ending *wink* *wink*
Hope that I answered your concerns, and would gladly discuss this further, maybe join our Discord so that we can keep in touch?