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Just ADORABLE! Pretty in-character as far as I'm concerned, too. The art is great, the voice-acting emotionally great too, though the intonation/volume is a bit...quirky, at times. Can't quite tell whether this is on purpose to convey that the two ARE robots or simply a bit of a too over-exaggerated attempt at mimicking sun's enthusiasm, but yeah. I would absolutely LOVE to see this continued though, as I've seen another commenter mention. It's really fun, there is just enough mystery to keep on engaged while also remaining a cute slice of life. If this WERE to continue, I think it could benefit alot from more save slots; 4 is a little limiting. Aside from that, though, I also think Vanny comes into the picture a little too suddenly and dramatically, it feels a bit forced as a inciting incident. Would be nicer if it instead built up suspense more gradually. The comedy is most certainly there too, and MC's inner thoughts feel a perfect mix of realistic and, well relatable! Actually caught myself giggling once or twice. 5/5