Hey! I've done a few runs so far and had a lot of fun but there are a couple things I was unsure about that maybe you could shed some light on:
- Should there be a limit to how much you can carry? My first run I just picked up everything but it felt a bit broken because I always had backup armor and plenty of things to sell. Subsequent runs I tried to keep it logical, so basically two weapons and one armor + whatever else seemed reasonable. Either way has a pretty big impact on the gameplay so I'm wondering what the intention is.
- How do class defense modifiers work (e.g. thief)? From what I can tell, the thief should have 3 defense when equipped with fresh leather armor. But defense damage is also permanent, so does that just mean each armor has an extra hit point before it gets destroyed, or do you always get the extra defense, even without armor, and the armor is still destroyed after 2 hits?