By the time you get to 12's too low down, you have painted yourself in a corner. 12 is the highest you can get on two six-sided dice, so indeed, you will end up losing the game. When I allowed players to use higher or equal, the tree was too easy to fill, and it was very unsatisfying. Similar to games like Qwixx and Qwinto, the high numbers are not necessarily good to have, and are often traps, even though it's the most points you can score when placed in an ornament.
If you feel the game is too hard as written, you are more than welcome to house rule allowing equal or higher numbers, have the use of one of the icons be a reset where you roll two dice and have to use the result (which is allowed regardless of #), or anything else you can come up with. The form of the Christmas card forced me to keep the game simple and introduce as little exceptions or special cases as possible, which is why the game likely ends on 12's.