I think you could work on this more if you wanted to make this project into a full game. There is potential in it, and it's a very good quality entry for a game jam.
Though if you do decide to work on it more, I'd really recommend focusing on a way for the players decisions to have more strategic impact. Right now it doesn't feel like I need to think too much about what's happening on the stage - I can place the fast bots and restore bots randomly and rerun the stage until I win.
So obviously right now there's two ways to make a strategy decision:
1) Which units you place
2) Where do you place them
1 has a significant impact to the outcome, and you can find the 'right' choice for a stage to a certain degree. 2 seems RNG, as enemy units don't have deterministic movement and I don't know in advance where they'll move.
Anyway, obviously it's a jam game and I don't take these as faults, it's still a high score. I think most of the times creators are aware of these issues anyway. Great job!