**Judging from the screenshots, there is more than platforming in this game, but to answer your question, I will speak only of the platforming since that is the only section I was able to play.
This, to me, seems like one of those solutions where gaming it up a bit can eliminate a lot of issues. The premise of connecting different functions through a power source can be interesting, but also quite cumbersome when it's a platformer.
Instead of connecting jump with wires like other functions, it should be something more tactile, like a button input. Wires are perfectly fine for moving left and right, in fact, it makes sense because I only have to hold those inputs, whereas jumping can be quite spammy. Tying jump to a button press eliminates that frustration and gives more freedom to the player while still limiting their capability with the left and right movement. It almost turns into a runner at that point, but now with this configuration, it's more like a runner where players choose the direction they travel.