I think I have to give this full marks for creativity?
This is something straight out of Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy.
I thought it was interesting that the more 'damage' you take the better you are at platforming, that's a really neat twist.
There's some minor issues with the settings and some of the nodes (don't worry, it didn't factor into my rating). From what it looks like, the stretch mode was disabled, so the UI elements didn't scale properly in full screen. It looked like mirroring was disabled on the parallax background, to get the full effect set mirroring to the resolution of the background sprite. And the bullets in the boss fight appear to be children of the boss/player, so they move with their origin rather than as independent objects. Again, this isn't a huge deal, just something to watch out for next time.
Overall, this is a pretty strong entry, great work!