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Well, I'm having fun. I already played this before the update, it's still fun and amazing. It got better after the update, liked you would expect. No bugs on my part, but some typos or misspelling here and there, but that isn't bad or egregious.

I loved the music for the game, the story has mystery and suspense, and the characters are awesome in their styles and personalities. The world has so much to be fleshed out and to see that it could just be built up more and more from my perspective. So I can say this game is awesome, and I will be happily and patiently waiting to see it continued.

Warning Longer Comment ⬇️ You may be annoyed

I only really have one complaint if that is even what it is, thats that the story is feeling rushed. I played the game through twice after the update and it felt as though things were sped up just where the last update had left off. An example being that the protag gets a suit from out of nowhere from an ally but we didn't go through that process with them, I felt left out and wanted to learn more about the new armored suit, then we save the day and be heroes. I still don't have a clue if the armor provides any benefits like improved strength and mobility, which I would argue is the only logical thing to assume given its fancy sci-fi design. Otherwise I don't see how we survived that Combat AI dual long enough for help, since we only had a few days of training.

Really I just want the story to last as long as possible, and not leave us out of the details of what happens to our protagonist. I want more of this game and I mean everything, not just the big action thrill moments but the small things to, even if it's just the protag spending some time with whoever drinking coffee and flirting or training or us unboxing a brand spanking new suit of armor we have not seen or heard of before.

I get invested in good games and stories easily, and that makes me want more, for good or ill, and care about what goes on in it. So I hope the creator will slow down the story's pacing for more development in other areas, like bonding events and player character/world engagement. This game is really great and more in-between moments mean alot to me who enjoys getting immersed in worlds with history and characters with personality. Really the creator is doing amazing work with this game. I just want them to take it slower and develop things more, to bring out more of the world and characters, as well as the protags involvement in the game, since we haven't really been going to school in game or doing much with the characters. I'm surprised we haven't bwen booted out of school or gone on dates as much as I would expect given who we live with and know.

Though the creator might be aware given people in game call it out, how people throw themselves at us or feel the need to strip. So they might be aware of the lack of investment in relationship stuff. It just feels different from how things played out in the beginning compared to how everything is now, which is sped up from my point of view. We used to try to be careful around our AI housemate but now we do whatever almost. So I want things to last longer, to not feel rushed or pushed ahead, like how the story is picking up real quick but we realistically don't stand a chance as the protag cause we are so underdeveloped as an individual with zero combat experience and our relations and contacts are still not that invested in dispite how some have progressed.

That's me though, really the creator is doing alot to make this game. They are doing so much it really isn't fair to think they can just do all of this, plus take my two cents and add even more to the game. I just want them to imagine how much more there could be based on whatever they could get from this overly long comment and consider it, I just want more of what they made here and I don't want it to end to soon.

So I apologize for anything I said here that was wrong of me, I am not the best at giving my opinion without sounding rude.

Akaime thanks for this game you are making and thank you for reading this. Take care of yourself above all and good luck to you in your development.