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(1 edit)

This may make me sound like an asshole, so I apologize in advance. Right now Strive is Aric. I would suggest any modder to think this way.

I really like Changing the date system, and can in theory fit really well in with Arics fetish system. I know that its not fully implemented yet, but some frame work has been done, giving a base.

example being kiss, hug, intimate talk could be boosted by relatives through the incest fetish.
On top of that, it potentially opens up more possibilities for more interactions later down the line. Also laying a base could potentially allow you, or someone else in the case of you burning out, to pick up where you left off (given your fine with that).

Long story short, I believe Strive suffers most from lack of complexity. The more options you have, or the more systems that interact with one another the more complex it becomes. I'm all for this mod, rather it ever ties in with the fetish system or not. Looking forward to it.

P.s. no offense to the dev or any mod author.

(6 edits)

i m affraid, i m not big fan of Aric's expansion, i like all works and effort he puts into his mod, all feedback he gets and how frequently hes updating it, just don't like the changes

for me Strive is sandbox game full of freedom with character progression system and sex+slavery. i like the game for being complex enough to show me own charm, not like this grinding games where you skip time till you finaly can have something done or renpy games where you hold shift to skip walls of texts waiting for boobs or gameplay...

in Strive my freedom is priority, ofc some options rewards a bit more than others, but less rewarding options can still have rl interesting results and be usefull, i can made lady as i want her without limitations of class or having penalities bcs her boobies are too big or bcs i use her every night...She can adapt to my needs and be my companion at night and days :)

i m not asking my own slaves for any permissions besides one to take our date to the bedroom, which is nice bonus, not strange forced pregnacy or incest fetish or walking in chastity belt, i dont wanna throw meat to ppl who like that things, feel free to do yours 

i m modding Strive for power, even if i would try to made mod for Aric expansion 8.1, version 8.2 can ruin all my work and i ll be forced to redesign my whole mod... also i rl dont like changes in this and how everywhere they are, maybe not all of them (having different look for pregnant girl might be ok, even if i never made pregnacy last longer than 2 weeks)

i have few ideas for not fetishes, but sexual preferences (for future sex system changes - nothing big, just few more options and bonus if girl like specific races/eyes whatever i ll find as good idea and dont delete :D), but wasnt able to implement them yet and stacking ideas in my case is terrible, i need to focus on 1 big thing and than do another

my dating might work with Aric expansion, but that is not my goal, 

  • i wanna redesign character progression in dating and give some sense of personality (20 courage slave will have other reactions than 80 and so on)
  • actions other than "teach" will reward with stat changes if reaction will be possitive
  • actions that are not designed to have positive reaction might lead to interesting results (you can punish slave in middle of meeting if she was naughty or you didnt liked her behaviour)
  • chances to influence personality changes by using effect that was alvays there, but now its ignored mostly after sex system changes

and for this, there ideas burns out quickly so i created this topic :)

for example right now i m thinking about possible behaviours of your date for "hold hands"

one idea is to have possibility for clingy character if she have decent courage and strenght to prolong this action

another is to check mindage of person (game have such thing and its used in events) and made childish character to move hands together - however you call this Newtonish moves thats kids and old clocks might do sometimes

Sounds like absolute meaningless nothing i know :D, but when i ll have  6+ reactions for most actions  it might create more complex system post might be a mess, but i hope its readable and i dint hurt anyone