Great! I'm assuming the content ended when I collected the fish, but I could go back through the pond. I think you could go a lot of directions with this but parts of the way you designed challanges is really cool. The way you had one high gaps the snake could fit through and the way the goat bumped his head in the cave so actually the snake could jump farther for once. I think the assets looked really cool though sadly the characters weren't animated. The movement feels crisp and responsive even when the characters aren't animated, and I haven't found any bugs so the jankyness level is through the floor. Well done, especially with this amount of different animals, in numerous other jam entries where the player changes size there are considerably more moments where jank shines.
The gorilla was a bit usefull in the beginning but quickly became irrelevant. You could put in enemies and make the gorilla stronger than the other animals, but there's a thousand other ways you could make the gorilla more useful. Sadly the fish didn't get too much playroom to really shine as it is the most unique animal as the others are mere stat changes. You could put in different paths where the fish goes below the rest of the level in an underwater passage, or you could make the passage go back in the level where you need the gorilla to knock down a tree so the goat can jump to the ceiling where the snake can just barely slither out of a crumbling mine. You could make way more animals too.
But I think in its current scope the game is absolutely fine for a gamejam. Well done!