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I had to install several libs to get it to work, for users reading this use ldd to spare you some time:

ldd bin/Plantower | grep 'not found'
sudo apt install libsdl2-2.0-0 libsdl2-image-2.0-0 libsdl2-ttf-2.0-0 libsdl2-mixer-2.0-0 libtinyxml2-6 libb64-0d

I only got one segfault, and I was about done playing.

This was a challenging game to rate... you don't get two categories with the same rating!

Theme interpretation

1 star - I don't see any link to the theme, maybe it's not implemented.


2 stars, I looked at the source code quickly to see if there were any controls that I missed but apparently all you can currently do is move and attack, it's quite fun to try multiple kills but it feels pointless pretty quickly.


I'll give it 3 stars, again quite fun to look at but I'm still not sure if it's more 3D or 2D.


4 stars, the music is really nice and somehow feels fitting even if there's not much to fit to


I'll go with 5/5 with regards to what could have been, because your description of "action adventure tower defense crossover" feels ambitious but really fun. Hope you someday get back to it and show me what you meant by that!

Thank you for your kind review!

Actually we were not even sure about submitting this at all because we are far from ready with the game. Really cool that you jumped through all these hoops and even got something from playing the game :-)

The reason behind all this is that the game runs on a self developed engine written in C++. Our plan was to rewrite big parts of it for a cleaner and more flexible API. The last game we did for the LudumDare for example ate up way to much coding time because the engine was a bit awkward to use. We thought since the jam would go on for a month we just might have enough time. Sadly we didn't. Mainly thanks to some god awful university courses.

In the game you play a deer demigod which was summoned by a village of mole people. You have to fight off the invasion of an evil force which wants to take over their forest. So you have to secure the bounds of the mole people. You do that by hitting the enemies with your mighty antlers or, since you can't be everywhere all the time, build towers using the resources donated by the moles.

The tower building should actually work by standing close to a grey tower and pressing 'e'. Then a super cool animation runs and the tower shoots red projectiles at the enemies. Unfortunately if two towers shoot at the same enemy and the enemy dies while one projectile is still flying a segmentation fault is caused. I fixed that later on but it's still in the jam build. We also added zoom and gamepad support and some other goodies in the last couple of days to the engine but they aren't nicely integrated to the latest game build.

We actually even have a working windows build but it broke last second before submission because of some pi constant I used somewhere in the code. I was pretty upset so I just left the page blank and thought to myself that no one will ever play this game. Thank you for proving me wrong :-) 

Oh, and usually i sneak in this little puppy with the binaries but simply forgot in the heat of the moment of submission. Sorry for having to find out the hard way!

We plan to develop this game further in the course of time since we still think that the idea of combining real-time combat and tower defense is pretty neat. But it will take time because we have to do important stuff aside from it. Last weekend for example we attended a "real life" game jam and even won as third from about 20 teams. That was pretty neat!

And again, thank you for taking your time, playing and rating :-)