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Note: I played on Linux using WINE. No apparent issues.


A good game idea, but some execution issues... first, thank you for including the controls list in the game - I've played too many games where I had to figure out the controls :p However, it often feels like there are physics glitches while playing, like you can get stuck between blocks and compress them together weirdly. Also, only 2 levels? I think it would have been pretty easy to add more, and probably adding some levels that make use of other pieces than the standard long bar would have been cool.


Half of it is pretty good, the other half is really not detailed.. the black background would be okay if the game didn't have an outdoors aesthetic, and least make it sky blue or something. For the Tetris part, it would have been nice to use the good old Tetris colors / block textures, and also make sure it's not filtered so pixel art doesn't get blurry when upscaled.


IMO this is where this game shines. There's a real potential for interesting gameplay here, and I'm interested to see what it could become.

Theme interpretation

I get the leaps.. but bounds? Besides trapping yourself with pieces, I don't see it

Thanks for the in-depth review! We're using your feedback to improve on our game!