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(2 edits)

Every time I reach the part in getting Michelle where I meet Old Cooney, I ask about the slave being punished downstairs. Because I always want to intervene, and that's the closest I can get. Then I always beat up Old Cooney and kill his bodyguard. Why can't we storm inside and help her, the same way we helped Juno?

Michelle's background info tells us that she (Michelle) only avoided being molested by Cooney during the week she was with him because he was too busy fucking his other slave.  And that Michelle only got away one night because Cooney and his guard were having their way with her "co-worker." That all sounded awful, and I really felt for that unnamed, faceless girl.

I know, it takes time to program and flesh out a story. It's just that, early on, when there isn't that much to occupy my attention in the game, that encounter always jumps out at me. And I wonder "what if I went through that door? What would I find?"