On another note, you'll want to watch your file structure. They are out of wack. While it will help you when organizing/editing, as well as help users, it also screws with the game. If a Portrait and Body are not in the exact same folders, it wont read them as their connected. Ill use Arachna as an example here.
In Bodies you have:
Adult - Empty
Adult+Teem - Empty
Blond - Empty
... etc.
Inside Female you have more "Adult Adult+Teen.." Etc in it. The images are in there. 11 empty files if your counting.
However in Portraits you have:
blond - Empty
.... Etc
NO Female folder.
The images in Portrait are in the first set of ages instead of inside the female folder. The game wont read the Portrait and Body together. I can assume this was a mistake due to the amount of empty folders. You didn't move the images a folder deep enough.
I'm unsure if others have the same issue, but I do know a ton of them, if not all have a ton of empty files.
I really do appreciate the effort. Ive tried doing this shit several times on my own, and give up a few races in. What you're doing is a saints work. Since everyone who made a pack had their own way of making their folder setup, its difficult to merge them together. Unless you want a bloated file size (which does appear to slow the game down) Its only been viable to use one pack at a time. I do hope you don't get disheartened, and if I can help lemme know.