this was very enjoyable and nice to look at too! I believe you could just have an almost full game in your hands.
The only complaints I have are that 1) as someone else said, the obstacles are not particularly clear in how they work, and 2) the last level was just a bit overtuned in comparison to the rest of them haha. I spent a while in the last level and almost quit after trying a bunch of times, but then I went "well this looks like the last level... might as well give it another shot" and magically figured out the right combination of movements after just two extra tries.
Besides that, you could add a bit of extra juice, make just one or two extra mechanics (don't have to be huge) to switch things up and you got yourselves a full game! I honestly think so (I played the heck out of 2048 so I'm kind of biased). Good entry!