I could use a walkthrough:
A resource with all the quests/events/things to do, their prerequisites, how to initiate each, how to complete each, and the reward.
Also, something which covers the prologue-stuff a player should/must do before anything else. I don't know where that ends-maybe just give a 'main quest' line right at the start?
I am trying to reach a point of renewable resources (money and experience in particular), and I can't do much of anything until I figure out how to finish any of my quests or something.
How do I find an orc?
How do I get through a whole army of pixies reliably, because I can't save mid-mission?
Where's the abandoned village to the southeast? Is that the place with the pixies?
I scoured the world map but all I could find of help were two dark seeds, but I need five to find out what the shady guy will give me. Should I even care?
I DON'T KNOW because the game doesn't tell me!
I shouldn't have to come here to ask questions about where to go. If I have a problem with that, there's a conveyance problem with your game.
I shouldn't have to come here to ask for battle tactics in an RPG on easy mode-I should just be able to grind a little if I feel overwhelmed and/or confused-oh wait, I can't yet, or maybe I just don't know how to!
I don't mean to be mean, I just would like the game to be more upfront about what it is suggesting that I should do, and you might not know about it unless someone speaks up.
Better yet-don't be afraid to completely break the forth wall in the quests menu: let me open up any active quests and see the (otherwise non-repeatable) information my jerk just gleaned. Pretend it is a dungeon-master telling a player about the world: The DM would tell the player what the player's character knows but the player doesn't: It should fill the information gap between the players and their characters.