1) It is a CHALLENGE (even IRL) not just a game.
2) It is IRL enhancement and there is no manual for life. But just the hint about finding / becoming a white crow should be enough. You really still not understood it?!:( Where are you from, that the symbolic meaning of "white crow" is not known to you?
3) If you use the hints just for LARP, then it can be streamed just as LARP. I do not see any problem with videorecording / streaming LARPs. But I am a real developer, including having and using even high tech., so I am not use to working with - amateurs (for saying it nicely).
+ Because it is IRL, no special clothes are needed.
+ Because it is aimed at MAKING COUPLE(s), no more than 2 people (+ cameraman) are needed.
After seeing your level of (not) understanding, I at least know how very simply should I write the explanatory file. Uff. But Thank you for the feedback. I wish you to meet (and after you will be Tough enough for it I wich you to even become) a person with the personality of a white crow!:)