-------------- UI --------------
"Settings" and "Collections" buttons don't work
The settings within the game displayed as a cog doesn't work either
------- Abt the game -------
- I don't see how it's possible to get more than 5 Plushies in one game even if you play perfectly, but might just be me. Even getting 4 plushie shops next to each other and a coffee shop nearby, 5 is my highest.
- The fact that the ones you already bought also sparkle in the sky makes it abit confusing but I assume that's part of the game
Nothing in the game itself seems to be wrong so I can only make comments on certain aspects here and there lol
Overall great game though!
> Game itself doesn't seem to have any bugs
> Mechanics seem well made
> Easy to get a good grasp of the game.
Wondering what the Map Placeholder is for though, doesn't seem to be used for anything thus far.