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Heck yes I’d be interested! 😁 Near the end of the last build, I had thought xou were really getting into the groove of things. The plot was starting to take shape and the characters started to feel more whole, so I was sad to see it put on hold

Are there things that need to be worked on? Sure, but I could probably say the same for my most favourite of VNs. I always thought this project had good potential, and xour writing style flows really nicely, so I think revisiting Midsummer’s Night is a great idea 😌

Maybe continue just one path (one which xou consider the cannon route) and come back to do the others? I’m sure that’d be much easier from a writer’s prospective


Thank you for your interest! I think I might change my direction for the story, away from pseudo-horror / mythical stuff and to something more real. I think I quite literally lost the plot lol.

As for the routes, I might do 2 consecutive updates for each at a time so I could both focus in on each individually a bit and to give myself some variety so I'm not stuck with one for months.

I look forward to what xou decide upon then 😌