Hi! I believe I understand what you want to achieve. Besides the platform, you would also like to use these assets to create other projects. I should let you know that these packs are primarily designed for top-down games (specifically the backgrounds), but the characters can also work for platform games since they are depicted front-facing. The dash animation you are referring to is the one for the blue character you tested in the demo, correct? I'm not sure if it's included in pack 1, but since it's just one frame, I can send it to you separately.
Regarding the purchase of the packs, if you buy 1, 2, and 3, you can get them at a discounted price, and once you have them, you can access 4 and 5 with a 40% discount. Normally, I wait for the Itch sales to create a 1-5 bundle, which, if I'm not mistaken, should be around October/November. I hope I've explained everything clearly, but if not, feel free to reach out for more details! Thanks :)