Deleted 187 days ago
That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Panda and had to Collect Coins by Rolling Away on Built-to-Scale Platforms » Comments
I shouldn't feed the troll, but I'll answer here once and for all:
- Fewer people plays download-only games but the required effort is prone to playtesting a tiny bit more, hence experiencing the good stuff more, hence better notes. I manually reached out to unknown-to-me playtest streamers and got them to play the game. The 30 ratings are a result of 5 days of that. They're aren't the ones who will give the best ratings tho, their viewers who see the game and be like "yo I NEED to play that" will be.
- The style may be "only good" to your non-jammer eyes, but when combined with others mostly-polished aspects, it might gets boosted. Ratings categories bootstraps eachothers, especially when solo-jamming.
- You are posting half of the comments in there, that is highly suspicious.
- I have a spreadsheet to keep track of who I already submitted the game to playtest to, so as not to bother them with accidental double submission. I also download the VODs to rewatch later and learn what could be improved in future jams, if you want to know.
I'll do an exeption for you: if you post one more non-constructive thing here I'll remove them all. Learn to behave yourself and grow up, you're unfit to the jamming creative mood.