Aww this was such a cute game! Curse me not being mean enough to explore the options and creeping Zazack out because I was so curious about the other endings. Dude was just sweet and calm as he was probably just annoyed that a customer had to come in at the last second while the story was about to close and I was like "I can't be mean... He's a retail worker his life is already difficult..." I'm honestly glad I checked out the development log and found a Youtuber had uploaded a video about his playthrough of the VN. That means I can vicariously live through his experiences as my own.
But I have to say, I really like the art when referencing other visual novels or developers! I got some like Casket, Duality, the backrooms from Batter, and I think that's all. But I loved the art for it especially with how cozy and pretty it was! Highly wish more people would try this out!