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This was a really interesting experience as someone who is vehemently against generative AI art. Still though, my adoration for Beez as a character and a CG trumps that ;p


I had the option here to use a.i. art. I considered doing it. I did not take that path. I will happily pay my artists. I do not care if my art is "ms paint" quality. I'd rather suck than have it be generated for me. At least it would be mine.

In this story, is it really generative a.i. in the same way or is it an actual person? If A.G.I. can pass a turing test, would you treat the art they make as generative...or is that thing an artist? Would you treat them as a person? Maybe just not one with the same kind of soul?

oh i know, i figured that these are two wildly different classifications of AI. i just thought it was neat to think about, is all.

And the fact of the matter is, I don't even know what a "soul" is as a concept, or what it's supposed to mean. So I wouldn't think of the AI in this story as "Soulless", partially because they clearly experience things on a very similar level to humans, and partially because I don't know what the heck "soulless" is supposed to mean.


We could get all philosophical here but I don't think it's necessary. Thank you for the kind words though. And I hope you enjoy part 3 when it comes out. :)