Hello peeps! I'm new in the neighbourhood, and i'd like to make my first appearance. My name's Lemon, and i'll be making my first FeedbackQuest tomorrow, 29/08 at 17:30 CST, where ill be streaming the following games:
-https://ofihombre.itch.io/randy-manilla - Randy & Manilla, by Ofihombre
-https://yodak.itch.io/melting-encyclopedia - Melting Encyclopedia, by Yodak
-https://zatomeisis.itch.io/bouncy - Bouncy, by Zatomeisis
-https://89o.itch.io/fermatina - Fermatina, by 89o
Each game ill be playing for about 30 minutes, varying depending on how much each game makes me engage in it. So ill see you guys at:
Until then!