I guess I don't quite get it because they all are lying about who they are, and that's a big part of the story. I think I get it with Nate being the most obvious in not being (for lack of a better term) genuine.
Ben-Holds most of his thoughts in even when it's actually destroying his life.
Karina-Doesn't let anyone really get to know her and lashes out to avoid real intimacy.
Chris-Wraps so much of his identity into 'being a mentor' because he doesn't think anyone likes who he really is.
Brian-Uses the sex obsessed muscle head facade to avoid being hurt by a genuine relationship.
Carlos-Closeted for a little over half his route. Refuses help for a myriad of reasons in a myriad of ways.
Zach-Has probably looped this semester enough times to be totally shut out of his own life.
Russell-Claims he refuses to be someone else's punching bag anymore, but still has a martyr complex he hides behind snark and being flippant.
Nate-Takes on the 'gay stereotype' to reject what he was raised to be.