Good calls! Yes 2e will definitely have bookmarking and hyperlinking galore. Right now I'm in the midst of thinking through the combat details, and getting that level of crunch right without being too much or too "lite". Sci-fi is a little trickier in that regard compared to fantasy.
And I've also been thinking about expanding the idea of tags. I'm curious what you like about the idea of tags. Skills are a tough nut in OSR games, especially Cairn-hacks. But I think I'm leaning towards a route where tags are listed for leverage, but any list I include will be considered "non exhaustive" so it doesn't come across as a list of limitations, ya know? That way any downtime training for advancing your character can include acquiring new knowledge, skills and technical expertise, etc. in the form of tags, without it being too fiddly and something like a modifier. More like additional fictional leverage. Still massaging that idea, though.