Hi there. Thank you so much for playing my game! I already checked your Youtube channel but I guess the VOD where you play my game is not on there yet? Definitely let me know when you have it up. I'm looking forward to see somebody play my game.
Btw, you can in fact aim and fire you weapon using the mouse. You just need to hold down left mouse button, the mouse aiming cursor will appear and you'll shooting. I know I did not make it very clear in-game. I did consider having the mouse aiming cursor visible by default. I guess that would make trying out the left mouse button more intuitive. But I thought having the cursor visible would be visual noise if you are shooting with arrows keys, or using a controller and playing with the thumbstick. Maybe I should have made it so the cursor is visible by default and disappears when firing with arrow keys or using a mouse, rather be invisible by default and only appear when moving the mouse and/or holding the left mouse button?
Anyhow thank you so much for all the feedback, especially about the twitch integration. I made this game for a short competition organized by Twitch. I came up with how I wanted the game to integrate with Twitch almost immediately, but then I waited until the night before the deadline to actually implement twitch integration into the game. And since I myself don't stream on twitch, I wouldn't have been able to test out if it even worked properly. Since I'd need viewers engaging with the pool, which I don't have. So now I'm even more curios to watch your VOD, to see that feature at work.