This is not a game about the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, and I don't think a comment section is a good place to discuss what is a complicated issue. It's not what I am here to do, although I suspect my opinion on those events comes down between your views and Qwo's. As for the content of the game, I think the narrative I present is fair under the circumstances. At this point, I intend no revisions to the game's text itself. However, I support instructors of all political views in using the game - and the points QWO makes will be likely be made in post-game discussions by many students. So I think, in the future, I will add a section inviting instructors to discuss some of the issues QWO mentions with their students, especially since the characters, in retrospect, can only be described as an unrepresentative set of voices in the room that are making these key decisions (however common that may have been at the time). You as the instructor are free to guide the discussion how you choose.